I forgot to mention, this weekend I’m dying my hair.
Funny thing… I think mom was more for me having purple stripes in my hair then just doing the whole thing darker. That’s so weird.
It’s not like I can’t change it if I don’t like it, either.
UGH! Nov 1st, I’m finally going to get my hair cut. It’s down to the small of my back now, at it’s longest point in the back. I think this is the longest I’ve had since, like, 3rd grade. I’m not doing is short, though… I just want to ends cut off and it to be… y’know, made to look decent again. I look so shaggy right now… Cousin It.
This weekend is the dog show. I can’t wait. We’re taking Indy to watch the flyball. She’s going to go bonkers. I’ll have to take a camera.
Which reminds me, sometime soon, Ash, if you see this, I want to go out to the grotto and take Leia/Amidala, and either Lulu/Yuna or Skuld/Urd pictures. I’m leaning more towards Skuld/Urd… I think Overton park would be nice to take Lulu/Yuna at. So can I have a few hours on a Sat or Sun of your busy schedule? Also, the Halloween party here is the saturday before halloween. We want you to definitely bring any of your school friends, anyone extra is fine, ’cause if there’s extra that means I don’t have to play the murder mystery game LOL